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Joyce Jefferson
Joyce Jefferson
7:00pm - Midnight

White County Sheriff’s Department has active holiday weekend

The White County Sheriff’s Department responded to a call about a theft on Saturday afternoon in Enfield.  51 year old Timothy McGehee reported that sometime between Wednesday and Friday, someone stole a small white rocking chair from his front porch at 417 Hosick Street. Saturday...

State of Illinois to release funds to White County

The State of Illinois will be paying its bills, at least to White County in the form of salary reimbursement for the State’s Attorney, Public Defender, and the Supervisor of Assessments.According to State’s Attorney Denton Aud, the Illinois Department of Revenue has agreed to...

Alliance Coal announces layoffs at White, Hamilton County mines

As was expected by many familiar with the situation, Alliance Coal announced layoffs at several mines in the area, with operations in White and Hamilton Counties among those seeing jobs lost.Pattiki mine operated by White County Coal, and River View mine operated by River...

White County files suit against State of Illinois

White County has become the latest government body to sue the State of Illinois over non-payment of funds.  White County State’s Attorney Denton Aud filed the lawsuit on Thursday at the request of the White County Board.In a press release, Aud stated that Illinois...

Warrant arrest made by White County Sheriff’s Department

The White County Sheriff’s Department made a warrant arrest on Tuesday night.  Deputies took 38 year old Crystal Napier of Carmi at the Sycamore Apartments just before 7pm.  Napier had been wanted on a White County Warrant issued January 14th for violating an order...