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Great Weekend for Crossville Winterfest




The rains held off and a good crowd turned out for the Crossville Winterfest activities Saturday including the evening’s lighted parade.


Storm Softball was selected as the best parade entry. The Pringle Family”s “old Truck” was second and Brenda Niehaus’ old tractor was the third place entry.


Rick Kuykendall’s Grinch won best golf cart, ATV,UTVs. River Maier was second and Luke Burnett was third. Steve Knight’s train received an honorable mention.


The winners of the Parade of Homes were also announced this weekend. They are Luke Burnett, first; Robin Hurt, second and Tammy Schmittler, third.


Jennifer Little’s patriotic Christmas Tree won the tree decorating contest.


The cake decorating winner was Kami James.


The half pot winner of the 50/50 drawing was Wes Henson who picked up $1770.



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