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Joyce Jefferson
Joyce Jefferson
7:00pm - Midnight

Grayville to Make Technology Upgrades, Considering Utility Deposits

Grayville leaders convened for their first gathering of 2025 Monday evening and it was “déjà vu all over again”.  Among the items on the agenda were two the council approved at their last meeting of 2024, a meeting held on the morning of Friday, December 27th after a technology malfunction made the December 23rd meeting impossible.  Commissioners voted on the 27th to approve a Chappy’s request for a Revolving Loan Grant up to $17,700.  With some revised language from city attorney Jay Walden, commissioners re-voted on the same request January 13th with the same results.  Commissioner Browning voted no though he says he remains a staunch Chappys supporter, especially the steaks and pork chops.


Council also again approved TIF I assistance for Sam’s Realty in the amount of $2,500, another repeat of action they approved on December 27th.

Sunrise Sanitation will continue to provide trash service for the city of Grayville.  The term is for the next half decade.


Those technology issues that pushed the last meeting of 2024 were also addressed Monday evening.  Upgrades will cost the city just under $12,000.  Mayor Travis Thompson has details.

If you remember last month we had issues where we didn’t even get to have the meeting on the correct day.  Basically, our computer’s back up failed…a lot of things failed.  So we’re having to do some computer upgrades in the terms of $11,847.  That comes with 3 years parts and labor on new computers…also upgrades and in addition to upgrades us to Locis 8.  We’ve agreed to update so there will be some changes with that as soon as we are trained on it.  Locis comes with it’s own training and storage.  That was part of the problem.  Our storage malfunctioned so we lost a lot of things.  They had to re-enter like 2 or 3 weeks worth of stuff.

Lastly Monday night, council will consider making a change to new user utility deposits, namely establishing them.  Right now renters put down a $150 deposit for utilities.  Homeowners don’t.  There was about a 12 minute discussion, but the matter was tabled for commissioners to consider and for more research on how other municipalities handle deposit pricing and terms.

Council adjourned at 7:23pm and will gather again on January 27th at 7pm.