It took longer for our reporter to drive to Grayville than city leaders spent in session Monday night. They did get business done however including extending their partnership with Sunrise Sanitation. After 3 years with no increase, residents can expect a modest increase in garbage removal fees but probably not before April of next year when the city’s new agreement kicks in. We don’t yet know exactly how much residents will pay however as the agreement Monday was strictly between the city and Sunrise. Mayor Travis Thompson explains.
Thompson: To be clear, this is not what people get charged. That’s what we are charged and then we have add-ons due to salaries of people for us. OK, the current contract this year is $14.22, I believe $16.75, something to that effect is what people are charged right now.
Treasurer Sharon Walden: Also, that covers in our budget for mosquito spraying…that’s in our public health…so part of our trash pickup also includes our mosquito fogging even though it just says trash.
The city cost of trash service will go to $18 per month per resident for Year 1 which again, begins April 2025. Year 2 goes to $18.72. Year 3, $19.47. Year 4, $20.25. And Year 5 (2029), $21.06.
The mayor says residents will probably know what to expect at the next meeting when council will set new rates.
Also Monday night, leaders passed Ordinance 965 which amends the Traffic Code for a specific area. Street Commissioner Chris James has more.
Parking, down here from Bishop Street to Walnut Street in front of public housing on the opposite side of the road, it’d be the east side, along the grassy and ditch area. We’ve had people pulling in peoples driveways and parking on right of ways. It’s getting to be an issue.
Irvine’s Meat and Deli received TIF 1 assistance in the form of $500 to help with signage. Council tabled a Chappy’s request for Revolving Loan/Grant while they seek some clarification.
Council also received the November activity report for the department from Assistant Police Chief Mason Siegel which included 174 calls for service during the month. Officers made 5 arrests and issued 24 citations.
Grayville leaders adjourned at 7:13pm.