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Grayville benefits from Delta Regional Authority investment

The Delta Regional Authority and its partners are investing more than $7 million in federal, state, and local resources to support small business owners and entrepreneurs,workers and their families by improving economic development, infrastructure, and job creation in southern Illinois’ Delta region, Delta Regional Authority Federal Co-Chairman Chris Masingill and Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Director Jim Schultz announced today.

“The DRA is excited to announce another year of investing into the people, small businesses, and infrastructure that will help make southern Illinois a great place to create jobs, grow businesses, and raise a family,” Chairman Masingill said. “These investments strategically leverage funding for projects that will help to address the infrastructure and public service needs of our Delta communities while driving economic development and growing small businesses and entrepreneurs.”

The four new investments, including infrastructure improvements that support economic development,leverage$773,000 in DRA resources into nearly $7.2 million in total public and private investment for Illinois’ Delta communities, their residents, and their economies.


These investments are expected to help create and retain51jobs for local residents.


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The investments are made through the DRA States’ Economic Development Assistance Program, the agency’s main federal funding program that invests in basic public infrastructure, transportation infrastructure, workforce development, and small business and entrepreneurship, and health access projects in the 252 counties and parishes of the eight-state Delta region. DRA coordinates directly with Illinois’ fiveplanning and development districts in the region for program funding implementation.

DRA leadership works closely with the governor of each state and his board designee to identify projects to receive SEDAP investments, which are aligned with state economic development goals. These federal investments require a minimal investment of state funds that can bring a large return in DRA and other agency funding and result in a great economic impact for the Delta region of southern Illinois.




  1. City of Grayville Industrial Park Road Extension

Extension of Stephenson Street, which is within the industrial park. The City of Grayville has attracted six businesses to the park in the past year and has invested over $1 million in utility extensions to the park. The majority of these businesses are support industries for oil and gas production.Jobs to be created: 1 job to be created; Jobs to be retained: 10 jobs to be retained; DRA Investment: $263,861; Private Capital Investment: $400,000; Other Leveraged Funds: $30,000.


  1. City of Harrisburg Flood Pump Station Upgrades

Removal of debris at a flood pump station. The project will alleviate flooding to five businesses and retain 25 jobs. Two of these businesses have flooded twice and the other three once; all have indicated that they will not reopen if flooded again. Jobs retained: 25 jobs to be retained; DRA Investment: $84,000; Other Leveraged Funds: $20,000.


  1. Village of Energy East College Street Reconstruction

Reconstruction of East College Street. This road is also an alternative connection to Route 13 between Carbondale and Marion. Jobs Created: 2 jobs to be created; Jobs Retained: 8 jobs to be retained; DRA Investment: $325,861; Leveraged Private Investment: $300,000; Other Leveraged Funds: $200,000.


  1. Jubel Drive Relocation

Relocation of Jubel Street in Sparta, IL,to accommodate growth at Spartan Light Metals.Jobs Created: 5 jobs to be created; DRA Investment: $100,000; Leveraged Investment: $5,000,000; Other Leveraged Funds: $445,000.


About the Delta Regional Authority

The Delta Regional Authority is a federal-state partnership created by Congress in 2000 to help create jobs, build communities, and improve lives through strategic investments in economic development in 252 counties and parishes across eight states. Through the past thirteen investment cycles of the DRA’s States Economic Development Assistance Program, DRA investments have leveraged $2.7 billion in other public and private investment into projects that are helping to create and retain 42,000 jobs, train 13,000 for a 21st century workforce, and provide more than 82,000 families access to clean water and sewer services. Learn more at


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