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Enfield Village Board Meets for Over Two Hours

The Enfield Village Board met in a marathon session Tuesday Night.  Scott Mareing was there and has this report…

There were three lengthy discussions.

There was about a half hour discussion concerning water rates.    The board eventually decided to raise water rates by two dollars a month due to the village needing the revenue just to make a profit there.  They will also revisit the rates every quarter to possibly raise them again. In a related matter, the EPA loan agreement for $167,000 to install new water meters was officially signed as the paperwork took some time to be completed.

Representatives from Mill Shoals and Springerton were at the meeting to discuss a possible agreement with Enfield for policing help.  It was noted that dispatch fees might be a problem with putting something like that together.  After about a half hour or so it was decided that they will try to put together a meeting with the White County Sheriff’s Office, White County and everyone’s attorneys and see if something could be worked out.  After that, the board approved the hiring of Justin Titzer as a part-time Deputy starting March 18th.  He will work evenings 16 hours a week at $20 an hour, and he has his own uniform and equipment.

There was a discussion that lasted about 45 minutes on hiring someone for the utilities department requiring them to be on call in case of a gas leak.  Keep in mind it was just at last month’s meeting that they gave their two employees in that department raises.  After much back and forth between board members, it was decided and the board agreed, that an ordinance be passed that would require that new employees live within 15 minutes of village limits and paid based on their experience.  The 15 minute requirement is because they would have to respond quickly if there is a gas leak due to the urgency involved.

In other business:

The board waived a liquor license fee to both the Enfield One Stop and Billy Bob and Nina’s Hickory Creek Hideaway. The license fee will be waved until the end of the year.

Clean up day will be on Saturday, April 13th.

Work on the street lights is going on now.

They are still waiting for acceptance of the small business grant.

The Animal Control Department now has a chip reader.

And two donations were approved.  One for NCOE for their all night drug and alcohol free graduation party and the other for the annual Easter egg hunt.  Both amounts are the same as last year.

The board adjourned at 9:56 PM.


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