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Hamilton County Chamber Trivia Night Fundraiser November 4th

The Hamilton County Chamber invites you to a Trivia Night and Silent Auction Fundraiser on Friday, November 4 at the McLeansboro Elks Lodge. Social hour, Silent Auction and light meal begins at 6:00 p.m. with trivia beginning at 7 p.m. Tickets are $13 per...

White County CEO Accepts Donation from Brad Braden

Dr. Clint Taylor, Chairman of the White County CEO Board, accepted a donation from Brad Braden for the White County CEOProgram. Braden has invested $3000 in the program and donated an additional $2000 to Friends of White County CEO.Currently fourteen total students from NCOE...

White County Board meets for short October session

The White County Board met on Tuesday night for their October meeting.  Following approval of the September meeting minutes and paying bills, States Attorney Denton Aud presented the Board with a letter of thanks from the Guardian Center in regards to the donation of...