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John Summer
John Summer
2:00pm - 7:00pm

Two Trick or Treats for Carmi? Council is Considering It

Two trick or treats for Carmi?  Could be.  Officials with the Carmi City Council are tossing around the idea of making the holiday two days with Halloween falling on a Thursday.

Mayor Pollard:  Back a hundred years ago, they used to do it on the 30th and 31st and then it kind of stopped.  I reached out to [Police Chief] Jason Carter and I asked him about it.  He said they’d done it in the past depending on where it fell through the week, they’d let ‘em have two nights.  So I haven’t called the person back yet…just thought I’d throw it out there and let you all discuss it.

Doug Hays:  Some of the trunk or treats are going to be the weekend before.

Pollard:  Yeah, the churches we found out they’re doing the weekend before and they’re having more of a festival kind of thing.

The city is planning to host it’s trunk or treat behind the city light and water building on October 31st.  Details are still being finalized.

Also at Tuesday night’s council meeting, leaders passed a handful of ordinances including those dealing with vacating an alley at Thomas and Smith’s addition between Slocumb and Partridge, a pair of ordinances regarding tampering with water and electric meters, one establishing customer utility deposits, and another imposing penalties for failure to pay on time.  Deposits on new electric and water service are moving to $300 from $200 for residential and water only service is going to $50.

Leaders also agreed to move the first meeting of November from the 4th to the 3rd due to the general election and approved seeking bids on roof repairs at the library.  Tim Sneed will take Denton Aud’s spot as a trustee on the library board for a three year term, and Council agreed to pay Moran Economic Development $570 for the annual TIF Joint Review.

With no executive session, council adjourned at 5:49pm.


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