State Representative Dave Severin says his 116th district will be the recipient of more than $680 million in highway and bridge construction and repair projects over the next 5 years. Severin recently met with Illinois Department of Transportation Secretary Omar Osman in Springfield to review IDOT’s Multi-Year Plan (MYP).
“Projects ranging from adding additional lanes to I-64 and I-57 to local highway and bridge repair will be happening throughout my district to the tune of more than $680 million over the next five years,” Severin said. “These are critical investments in our infrastructure that help keep our citizens safe on the roadway and help attract and retain companies to Illinois.”
Severin says Southern Illinois needs safe highways and bridges just like everyone throughout the State of Illinois.
“I’m fighting to ensure that the hard-working taxpaying citizens of my district get their fair share,” Severin said. “We need the good-paying jobs and improved safety and mobility for our citizens that will come as a result of these critical infrastructure projects.”
The funding for 123 construction projects happening from 2024-2029 comes from Illinois’ “Rebuild Illinois” Highway Improvement Program. A full listing of the projects is available on Severin’s website at [RepSeverin.com/highway-improvements-planned-for-the-116th]RepSeverin.com/highway-improvements-planned-for-the-116th.
Some of the construction projects include:
– $75 million for additional lanes on I-57 south of Bonnie from IL 154 to Atchison Creek
– $20 million for bridge replacement at Gun Creek north of IL 154
– $18 million for bridge replacement on I-64 .2 miles east of IL 37
– $48 million for additional lanes on I-57 from Bonnie to I-64 South
– $45 million for interchange reconstruction and bridge replacement at the I – 57/1-64 interchange at the IL 15 interchange in Mt. Vernon
– $15 million for bridge replacement south of the I-57/I-64 N tri-level interchange
– $10.8 million for bridge replacement over the abandoned railroad .5 miles west of US 45 and over US 45 north of Mill Shoals in Wayne County
– $51 million for bridge repair on I-64 in Washington County west of County Highway 11 to the Jefferson County line
– $160 million for bridge replacement over the Wabash River on I-64
– $8.6 million for overlay and ADA improvements from the Lawrence County line on IL 1 to 9th street in Mt. Carmel
– $16.5 million for overlay and new shoulders on IL 37 from the Franklin County line to IL 14 in Benton
– $17 million for bridge replacement and addition of a bikeway from Larry Foster Parkway to Fitzgerrell Park Drive at Rend Lake on IL 154
– $12 million for overlay and new shoulders on IL 37 from Campground Road in Bonnie to the Franklin County line