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Nominate Your Wayne County Farm Family Of The Year

Do you know of a farm family that has made a significant impact on agriculture and our community? If so, consider nominating them for the 2023 Wayne County Farm Family of the Year! Aside from contact information, there are four main questions in the nomination form…

· Describe the influence the nominee has had on the agricultural community.

· How is the applicant an “advocate for agriculture?”

· Describe how and where the nominee donates their time outside of agriculture.

· Why do you feel the nominee should be named “The Farm Family of the Year” for Wayne County?

There are two categories this year… “Actively Farming” and “Retired Farming”. Those families nominated in the Actively Farming category should still be actively involved in the production of grain or livestock. Those who qualify for the Retired Farming category are individuals who may or may not still live on the farm, but who have passed on the primary responsibilities to the next generation or who have farmed in the recent past but are no longer involved in the production of agricultural products. Nominees must reside in Wayne County.

The family who is selected for the recognition in each category will receive a framed aerial photo of their farm, a $100 gift certificate to the local restaurant of their choice, and a complimentary membership in the Wayne County Farm Bureau for 2024. The selection committee will be made up of 3 county Farm Bureau leaders from outside of Wayne County. The nomination link can be found at The deadline to submit your nomination is July 1. Recipients will be announced at the Wayne County Farm Bureau Member Appreciation Dinner on August 10.


Doug Anderson



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