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NCOE School Board Issues Statement to Set Record Straight on Proposed Bond Measure

Call it a sign of the times.  It didn’t take long for some residents in the NCOE School District to get bent and wiggly with concern over what proposed bond proceeds would be used for if approved.  Social media was full of conjecture surmising that somehow the closure of Booth and the issuance of $3.2 million in bonds for working cash was potentially paving a way for a backroom deal that would’ve built onto NCO.  Those rumors moved the school board to issue a press release in advance of the December 18th regular school board meeting addressing and attempting to dispel rumors.

In it, the school board says the proposed bond amount won’t increase the tax levy on taxpayers as it’s the same amount as the retiring bond.  Furthermore, they say it’s estimated the tax rate for next year including the bond would drop the tax rate to the second lowest rate the district has had since 1998. 

They say the funds will be used on projects deemed necessary based on the most recent Health/Life/Safety Inspection of the school buildings making them required to be completed in the next decade.  The press release indicates the school board also is of the opinion that the projects are necessary especially at the high school, built in 1949, where the Science Lab is still in it’s original state and other updates are needed for security. 

Read the full release below:

In order to help answer any questions or dispel any rumors that are abounding, the NCOE School Board would like to explain what the proposed bond proceeds would be used for, if approved.  Below is a list of projects that the NCOE School Board has discussed with our administration for the use of the proposed school bond proceeds.  Many of these projects are necessary based upon the most recent Health Life Safety Inspection of the school buildings, which we have denoted with a ^ next to them, which are required to be completed within the next ten years.  It is the opinion of the board that many of the other projects are necessary for updates to the High School building that was originally built in 1949, such as the Science Lab that is still original and others are needed for enhanced security of the students and staff at the buildings.  Please note that none of these projects have been voted on and approved by the NCOE School Board but are projects that are believed to be necessary or needed for the maintenance and improvements of the school facilities.  All such projects shall be required to be presented at an open meeting of the board and approved to submit for bids, as required by law, and then the bids accepted before any of these projects can begin.  It is the opinion of the NCOE School Board that the bond is necessary for the maintenance and improvement of the facilities, and it is more efficient to do such bond as a working cash bond, as opposed to a health life safety bond, so the district is able to use the funds in the manner it determines is best for the district.  However, these proceeds are not expected to be enough to cover all the projects listed below.

The proposed bond amount will not increase our tax levy for the taxpayer, as it is in the same amount as our retiring bond. As a matter of fact, it is estimated that our tax rate for next year, which would include the bond, would drop our tax rate to the second lowest tax rate the district has had since 1998. Due to the increase in the school districts EAV (equalized assessed valuation), we feel very fortunate to be able to extend a bond to help maintain and improve our facilities over the next few years without adding any additional tax burden to the taxpayers. We also are very happy to be able to provide

the best quality and secure facilities for our students and staff for years to come.

High School

Abate asbestos tile corridors/cafeteria/office/gym entry way^

New Flooring in corridors/cafeteria/office/gym entry way^

New interior doors^

Outdoor fresh air returns per code^

Sidewalks/Steps around building^

Exterior Doors East/West/North^

Update Science Lab

Update and make ADA compliant Home Ec. Room

Main office and Entryway update for better security and building entrance

Controlled access to interior doors for added security

Improve/add parking spaces for improved parking for school and school events

Outdoor Bathrooms for track/cross-country/archery/baseball facility 

Covered Seating for students’ lunch in an outdoor area

Update Ag Building

Improved gym entry Way

Drop Ceilings East/West Hallway for better efficiency and lighting 

New intercom system

Tuck Point Brick and level settled and cracked structure areas and remove chimney

Exterior and Interior Wayfair Building Signage for better security

Grade School

Repair and improve asphalt parking lot

Covered awning over sidewalk/student drop-off areas

Finish HVAC mini splits

Fix broken gutters

Playground equipment for 5th – 8th Grade


Continue updating bus fleet

Continue funding School Resource Officers

Unforeseen maintenance issues: Roof/HVAC repairs, etc.


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