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Grayville Council Meeting Set for Monday

Grayville Council Meeting Set for Monday


The Grayville Commissioners have had a busy month, with several special meetings and the regular monthly meetings, with the last regular meeting for January set for Monday evening.

The Grayville council will meet at 7 for a fairly full agenda. The council will be asked to act upon any issues that arrive out of an executive session to discuss personnel and collective negotiating matters.

High Street will be revisited…again, along with property near the sewer lagoon.

Requests for TIF funding and money from the revolving loan grant will be addressed by the commissioners, along with a library board appointment.

Grayville Day board appointments will also be addressed Monday night.

Bids for mowing city properties will be advertised, and there will be an announcement concerning a special meeting to discuss collective bargaining issues.

And it looks like the Grayville council is ready to make a decision concerning the request from White County for financial compensation for dispatch services.

The commissioners will also be reminded the next regular meeting will be Feb. 4, a week earlier than normal, as the Grayville Council normally meets the second and fourth Monday of each month.