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Grayville City Council meets for first February meeting Monday night

The Grayville City Council met Monday night for the first time in February, and approved closing the first block of Main Street on Saturday, April 22 from 9 am to 5 pm for the first ever GCAA Artisan Fair.  No out of town food vendors will be allowed, leaving that role open to church, school, and civic groups, but artists from throughout the Tri-State will be invited to come and display their works.

A donation of $10,000 was approved for the Senior Citizen’s Center.  As in the past, a check of $7500 will be given, and the rest will go towards credit on City utilities.

Resolutions on cemetery pricing and discipline and purchasing policies were tabled until a later meeting, as information is still being gathered.

The Council approved a line item change for IDOT in the FY 2016 budget, and approved Road Commissioner Josh Downs to begin letting bids for two street resurfacing projects and for road salt, rock, and patch material.

Due to confusion over City and State ordinances, the Council agreed to let bids to connect Dr. Wells’ property to the City sewer system as a correction to earlier incorrect statements made by City officials.

A resident brought forth issues she was having with her water meter and estimated billing.  Mayor Bisch and the Council agreed to look into the matter closely in an effort to resolve the issue.

Commissioner Andy Brock stated the City was still working on a gas leak behind the Senior Citizen’s Building, and hoped the issue would be resolved quickly.

In the Police Report for December, Grayville officers answered 147 calls for service, opened 16 case files, made 10 arrests, issued 29 citations and 39 warnings, filed two crash reports, and towed five vehicles. In January, the department answered 162 service calls, opened 19 case files, made 12 arrests, issued 44 citations and 28 warnings, filed one traffic crash report, and towed six vehicles.

The meeting adjourned at 7:26 pm and the City Council will meet again on February 27 at 7 pm.