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Fairfield Memorial Hospital Foundation is gearing up for their upcoming 12th Annual Golf Scramble & a “Feast on the Fairway” to be held on Friday, August 5. These events help to raise funds to support services, programs, and state-of-the-art medical equipment needs of the hospital.

The Golf Scramble is being held at the Wayne County Golf Course with 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. tee times. Entry fee for a four person team is just $200, which includes a nice participant gift, continental breakfast, and a delicious lunch. If you are not a golfer, but still want to contribute and support the event there are several levels of sponsorship available including: Diamond Event Sponsor – $1,000, Hole Sponsor – $500, Silver Event Sponsor – $250, Bronze Event Sponsor – $100, and Friend of FMH Foundation – Any Amount. FNB Community Foundation is this year’s Exclusive Golf Scramble Sponsor and is providing each participant with a nice large golf umbrella.

The “Feast on the Fairway” event will be held after the Golf Tournament from 6:30-10 p.m. Dinner, consisting of prime rib, chicken kiev, sides and desserts, will be served at 7 p.m. and music by “Marty & Heather” will be from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Exclusive dinner sponsorship is just $200 and includes special recognition & 4 dinner tickets. Individual dinner tickets are also available for purchase for just $25 each.

Team registration, sponsorship donations for the golf scramble or tickets for the “Feast on the Fairway” can be secured by contacting Charlotte St.Ledger at 618-847-8297 or [email protected].

“This is our largest fundraising event, and those who participate truly have a wonderful time. By simply coming out and enjoying a day of golf or being part of our “Feast on the Fairway,” that evening, you can help the Foundation increase its corpus of funds that are used for important purchases when needed. These valuable purchases help keep FMH on the cutting edge of healthcare, So, we invite everyone who joined us last year to come out again, and any individual or business interested in supporting us and having a good time to also join us at the Wayne County Golf Course,” stated Charlotte St.Ledger, FMH Foundation Executive Director.