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Kiki Garcia
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Keith Summers
Keith Summers
Midnight - 5:00am

Enfield Burglery reported in White County

Sometime within the last week, Springerton resident Jamee Enlow reports to White County authorities that someone has broken into a house she owns and has been working on.  Deputy Graves tells us Enlow doesn’t currently live at the location due to the condition of the home, but she’s been improving it and has been leaving tools on location at the County Road 540 East property.

Graves says it appeared entry to the home was gained by kicking in the north door to the house, noting smudged shoe prints on the door.  Once inside, Enlow reported missing a case of water, electric generator, several power tools and hand tools, as well as it appeared the burglar tried to and in some cases succeeded in obtaining some copper from the home and appliances.

Listed as missing from the home are:

1)         A case of Dasani water

2)         900 Watt Blue Chicago Electric Generator

3)         Craftsman Shop Vac

4)         Skil Sawzaw

5)         Craftsman Circular Saw

6)         Black and Decker drill with 2 lithium batteries

7)         7 gallons of paint (orange and red)

8)         miscellaneous hammers, sockets, screwdrivers

9)         Skull Candy Speaker

10)      Cut copper off a stove

11)      Tried to cut copper out of the wall

12)      Kicked vent out of attic


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