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D19 Memorial Day Holiday Release

Illinois State Police (ISP) District 19 Commander, Captain Cory Ristvedt, is reminding motorists
to take the necessary safety precautions to prevent senseless tragedies during the upcoming Memorial Day
holiday weekend. Memorial Day weekend is one of the busiest periods for travelers, and millions of
motorists are expected to hit the roadways and interstates across the country.

The ISP will be doing our part in keeping the roadways safe for those traveling through the state. The ISP
will be strictly enforcing the most common traffic violations that result in fatal crashes: DUI, Speeding,
Seat Belts, and Distracted Driving.

There are many safe driving initiatives the ISP is participating in over the holiday weekend.

 On Monday, May 21, the ISP collaborated with surrounding states with the Border to Border (B2B)
initiative. The B2B initiative kicked off the 2018 Click It or Ticket seat belt enforcement
campaign. The Click It or Ticket campaign runs through June 3, 2018.

 On Friday, May 25, the ISP will kick off the holiday weekend with a Line to Line (L2L) patrol.
The L2L patrol aims to have a trooper every 25 miles on I-55 through Mississippi, Louisiana and
Missouri. The ISP is taking this one step further by having a trooper every 20 miles and will
include I-57 and I-80 too.

 Friday, May 25, also kicks off a nationwide, four-day Combined Accident Reduction Effort
(CARE). Operation CARE aims to reduce the number of crashes by strict traffic enforcement to
obtain voluntary compliance in the area of: alcohol and drug-related offenses; maximum speed
limit laws; and occupant restraint laws.

You can do your part to make travel safer this holiday weekend. If you are going to be at an event with
alcohol, please make sure you designate a driver. Keep your eyes on the road and off of the cell phone.
Unless it’s hands-free, Illinois law prohibits the use of any electronic devices while operating a motor
vehicle. Please be sure to watch your speed and make sure you buckle up.

In addition to the enforcement of the Fatal Four, Troopers will be looking for violations of Scott’s Law,
Illinois’ Move Over Law. Scott’s Law initially applied to emergency vehicles, tow trucks, and
maintenance vehicles; however, the law expanded in January of 2017 to include any vehicle on the side
of a roadway with the emergency flashing lights activated. “We urge drivers to comply with the law and
slow down, change lanes when safe to do so, and always proceed with caution when approaching these
vehicles on the side of the road,” said Captain Ristvedt.

Last year, the ISP issued 3,036 tickets for speeding violations during the four-day holiday period from
Friday to Monday. During the same time period, there were 96 DUI arrests; and 533 seatbelt violations.

We are confident that voluntary compliance of Illinois traffic laws can lead to a safe and enjoyable
Memorial Day weekend for everyone.