Superintendant Brad Lee gave an update on the health reimbursement account. The District sets aside $642.28 per employee per month toward health coverage. Due to the increased cost of health insurance, they currently pay $639 per month for the monthly health premium per employee and the remainder of the $3.28 per month is banked in the District’s account.
The Board approved a $1,200 maximum allowable reimbursement for travel, meal and lodging expenses for the district’s officers and employees as required by the Local Government Travel Expense Control Act.
Also approved were bids of $25,325 from Brucken LLC for the replacement of the kitchen equipment and $36,774 for kitchen renovations and additional work on the Brownsville School and Lincoln Attendance Center. The work will be paid for from a $50,000 National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance Grant for the school years 2015 to 2017, with the remainder coming from other funds.
In the Superintendant’s report, Lee said the District’s most recent enrollment figures show that it has 1,390 students district-wide, down 25 from last year at this time.
So far, only one emergency day has been used this school year, this last Friday the 13th. If no more emergency days are used, the last student attendance day will be May 19th and the last day for staff will be May 22nd.
The District has received its two state aid payments, totaling $398,211, and has been paid all of last year’s money.
The Board Scholars for the first semester of this school year include ten freshmen, ten sophomores, 12 juniors and eight seniors.
They approved surplus equipment bids from Burkit Backhoe Service in the amount of $2,256.71 to purchase the horizontal metal lathe and a $1,501 from Marshall Electric of to purchase the vertical mill.
They approved a Family and Medical Leave Act request from Sarah Haley to begin March 16th and for her to return at the beginning of the 2017-18 school year.
And the Board approved changes to 15 Board policies.
The Board went into closed session at 7:20 p.m. In the closed session, the only action taken by the Board was to approve the December 19 closed session meeting minutes.
The Carmi-White County School Board will meet again on February 21st at 7 pm.