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CWC Board of Education holds November meeting

The Carmi-White County Board of Education met for their November meeting on Monday, November 21st at the Lincoln Attendance Center.

The Board passed a resolution authorizing abatement of the bond levy for the bond issue in this levy year, of $207,000 out of a total of $622,000 received from the one percent county school facility tax that passed in November of 2014.

They also approved a preliminary review of next year’s tax levy. It is based on a projected equalized assessed evaluation of about $143 million, which is lower than last year’s rate. The official levy hearing will be at next month’s school board meeting.

Approved was a recommendation from Bushue Human Resources, Inc. To renew worker’s compensation insurance with the Illinois Public Risk Fund through Ramza Insurance Group for a total premium of $61,969. That’s an annual premium decrease of about $3,000.

The 2016-17 school improvement plans for each school, with exception of Brownsville, was approved. These are the blueprints that guide the teaching and learning process throughout the year.

A resolution was adopted approving the district’s strategic plan for the 2016 to 2021 school years. The plan was the result of a committee made up of parents, community members, board members and administration that met over the past twelve months.

Board members are to look over a proposal for increasing mental health services that are offered to students. The district would partner with the Egyptian Health Department to provide a full-time mental health therapist or counselor to be located within the district. The cost would be split between the district and Egyptian Health.

And they agreed to pay off the remaining $30,789.59 owed for the purchase of real estate located at 211 East Robinson Street in 2014. The money comes from the sale of the former Pre-K building and Crossville school.

In the superintendent’s report, Brad Lee said the evening parent/teacher conferences held in the last three months have been successful.

The WOVSED special education district governing board fall meeting will be tonight at 7 p.m. the Hood Center in Norris City.

Lee invited everyone to attend any of the Christmas programs throughout the district held in December.

Five teachers were the recipients of $1,050 worth of scholarships for unit five teachers to use in their classrooms.

Tuesday, November 15th was “School Board Member’s Day”. Lee thanked the Unit Five Board members for their service and dedication to the community.

They received two state aid payments totaling $398,211, but are still owed $228,000.

The transportation department is headed in the right direction. They are increasing revenue and cutting costs. They’re looking into selling three or four spare busses, which would still leave five available. Also, a new van and mini-bus may need to be purchased soon.

In other business, a bid from Ray Yates Fire Extinguisher Sales and service on servicing their fire extinguisher equipment was accepted.

Two Board policies concerning Board member compensation and expenses were preliminary approved. Final action is set for next month’s meeting.

Accepted was the retirement of Kendra Winter as a certified staff member effective at the end of the 2020-21 school year, a leave of absence for Karen Upton until December 12th and a Family and Medical Leave Act request from Katherine Simmons effective February 10th, 2017.

Also accepted was $2,900 in donations to the Brownsville School and $5,000 from First Bank for a new scorekeeper’s table for the Washington School.

The Board went into closed session at 7:43 p.m.


In the Board’s executive session, Deanna Winter was employed as a dishwasher at Jefferson Attendance Center and Todd Rice as the high school junior varsity basketball coach for the 2016-17 season.

The Board also unanimously approved a contract extension for Superintendant Brad Lee through June 30, 2022, and accepted a retirement letter from Lee in effect once his contract is complete.

A collective bargaining agreement was ratified unanimously between the Board of Education and the Carmi-White County Support Staff Association beginning July 1, 2016 and ending June 30, 2019.