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County Board Holds First Meeting of 2019

County Board Holds First Meeting of 2019


With no controversy or a packed courtroom, the White County Board spent about 40 minutes taking care of county business during the first meeting of 2019.

The board covered a number of items, acting upon most of the items on the meeting agenda and tabling a couple items until February.


The board heard from White County Jail Administrator Byrd Huber who presented a proposal concerning medical healthcare at the Jail. Huber explained at this time the county pays Dr. Saquib and members of his staff have been covering medical issues at the jail. Huber presented a proposal from Advanced Correctional Health Care of Peoria that would provide the medical services, offering care that is not currently available.

He explained the county is currently paying somewhere around 75 to 80 thousand dollars per year for medical services. While the new proposal is around $113,000, Huber explained that currently the jail does not have a medical officer and if one is hired that would add $40,000 or more to the current payment.

Huber explained he wanted the board to look over the proposal and if there were questions to ask him or the company representative, with the proposal to be brought back to the February meeting. The board then tabled the proposal  with an official vote until next month.


The board approved IDOT resolutions that basically sets up the official rehiring of county highway engineer Brian Ray. The resolutions will also set Ray’s salary for the next six years, the term for state appointed highway engineers. Ray explained the resolutions were the first part of the official reinstatement. He also pointed out the resolutions are necessary for the county to recoup 50 percent of his salary from federal funding. The final part of the resolutions and the official vote on Ray’s reinstatement will be done next month.

Ray reported on a number of projects planned by the highway department for the new year. That includes resurfacing the south portion of BelAir Road; guardrails on the Centerville Road Bridge; some work on the Herald and Broughton roads. He said the department will also be installing some box culverts including one at the intersection of County Road 2000 North and 800 East.

He also reported on a meeting with the solar committee and a company interested in a giant solar farm, north and west of Carmi. The company indicated it was interested in 2 to 3000 acres and seemed genuinely interested in placing a solar farm in White County. In contrast, the solar farm planned for the Enfield/Norris City area is looking at 1200 acres.


The board approved a resolution allowing the posting of rural roads from January 15 for a period of 90 days. The limit is five tons per axle and will be strictly enforced.


Cindy Conley and Katherine Sands were reappointed to the Illinois South Tourism Board for terms ending Nov. 30, 2020.

Stand Armstrong was appointed to the Half Moon Drainage District for a term ending the first Tuesday of September 2021.

A number of bids for parcels from the White County Trustee Sale were approved and the board tabled consideration of 2019 dues for the United Counties Council of Illinois Board Members. That was to allow the two new members, Jake Carter and Clint Spencer to look over the proposal.


And there will be air conditioning at the dog pound, as long as it doesn’t cost the taxpayers any money. The matter, which had been discussed at least twice before, was approved after it was pointed out the air conditioner is being donated and there have been several offers of paying the electric bill during the hot months.

The boat adjourned around 7:40, with the next meeting set for Feb. 12.