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Joyce Jefferson
7:00pm - Midnight

Busy Night for Grayville Council

Busy Night for Grayville Council

Council breezed through the first 3 minutes including the treasurer’s report. Sharon Walden reports the City has a grand total of $2,203,201.08. She says tax money came in for White County in the amount of $37,391.42 for the general fund. TIF I received more than $52,483, while TIF II gained an additional $210. The Library received $2,098. Walden asked council to transfer IDOT Street account money in the amount of $10,170 to the general fund and zero out the account as well as the sewer construction account with $2.37. Both of those suggestions were approved.

Following a nearly hour long executive session during which council members called in two city workers, the meeting reconvened with a motion to suspend Grayville street laborer Kyle Roosevelt for 2 days without pay beginning Tuesday. No reasoning was provided in open session. Commissioner Josh Downs voted no.

Official decision on the Dispatch Services Agreement between Grayville and White County will wait until next Monday, February 4th, though the council did seem to agree to a fee of $36,000 annually for the service, a number Mayor Bisch says began at around $60,000 during negotiations. Before formally voting to sign the agreement, members said they wanted to get clarification on a few items and especially the language in the contract.

S.K. Repairs on Court Street in Grayville requested and will receive TIF #1 District funds for concrete and new doors at the business. The estimated cost is just under $16,700. Grayville will assist with about half of that amount.

Ownership at Chappy’s has asked for Revolving Loan Funds. Following discussion and general agreement that they’d help with half the estimated request of $27,743, members opted to wait until next Monday so they could address stipulations and have an agreement drafted in order to get the horse in front of the cart.

Sue Tice will assume a spot on the Groff Library Board taking over for Barbara Ward.

Council also made Grayville Days Board appointments Monday night. Those chosen include Mary Kendrick, Diana Compton, Steve Kendrick, Branda Ramirez and Ciara Niehaus. Ricky Conner and Travis Thompson were left off the board, with the assumption those men will be running for mayor.

The city will accept bids for the mowing of city properties. Those sealed bids will be due by March 4th, opened at 10am that morning, and the council will present to the board the following Monday, March 11th.

No reports from the city attorney, commissioners, or the mayor. Council adjourned at about 8:30pm, with a private argument between a visibly aggravated Commissioner Josh Downs and Mayor Joe Bisch followed.


Grayville will get together again next Monday, February 4th. A special meeting for Collective Bargaining negotiations will be coming up on February 21st at 10am.