The Norris City Village Board met this past Monday night instead of the first Monday of the month as normal. Scott Mareing was there and has this report…
At the less than 40 minute meeting, Mayor Skip Land said the rates from AGE, where the village gets their power from, have been going up and are now higher than Ameren’s. Residents that would like to opt out from AGE and go back to Ameren, can go to the Norris City village office or their website to find the 800 number to call.
The village will not be able to get a grant to construct a walking trail because it would be put in an area considered a wetland.
La Di Da Boutique has been sent their TIF paperwork.
They’re working on a small equipment grant for the fire department, as they found out they couldn’t use any TIF monies.
All employees will have to take a mandatory sexual harassment training class as required by the state.
The board decided to table the contract for trash pickup with Bulldog Systems to look into the details further. The contract is due in April of 2025.
It was agreed that the appropriations budget for the fiscal year be signed and filed.
As part of the Main Street revitalization project, the village will put in new sidewalks, curbs, lights, poles and possibly paving. They are working on getting some grant money.
The fencing at the tennis courts at NCOE have been taken down.
Dairy Days will be held on September 27th and 28th with the parade to be held on the 28th at 7 PM. Permits will cover the 26th through the 29th.
The annual Christmas party will be again held at the Hideout in Marion with the exact date to be determined.
The paperwork has been signed on the Wakeford property, with the building to be torn down on August 19th. The board will discuss whether to have some of the money put into the Parks and Recreation fund at next month’s meeting.
IDOT will be doing work at the main intersection, putting in a crosswalk near John Deere that IDOT will maintain.
And the White County Tax Computation levy was passed.
The board adjourned at 7:37 PM. The next village board meeting will be on Monday, September 3rd at 7 PM.