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White County Board holds February meeting Tuesday night

In the Ambulance Service report, Adam Allen said they have taken in $33,000 to date this year. The kitchenette has been installed in the ambulance building at a total cost of $800. And the Deaconess Hospital System switch will take place on February 23rd.

In the Coroner’s report, Chris Marsh said they have been owed about $380 from Hardin County for quite a while now. He asked the Board what he should do, and they recommended he should keep billing them until they pay.

In the Sheriff’s report for January, there were a total of 54 prisoners, including 19 from White County.

Corbett Stover addressed the board about a drainage ditch in Emma Township that has been causing him some problems and there have been some accidents because of it. Chairman David Dosher said the County realizes that there is a problem and will work with him to fix it.

The Board approved a bureau certification letter to approve Illinois South Tourism as the state-certified tourism bureau of White County.

A resolution was approved to designate some small items at the Highway Department as excess equipment and put them up for bids.

The Board accepted the only bid for fuel for the Ambulance, Highway Department and Sheriff Department from Wabash Valley Service Company for unleaded, diesel and off-road diesel. They approved the firm rate this time, as last time the County went with the open rate, and the price fluctuations made the gas rates go up too much at times.

Approved was a resolution of support and commitment of funds for the Greater Wabash Regional Planning Commission, totaling $4,986, and Steve Hartsock was approved to a two-year term on the Planning Commission.

The Board tabled a resolution setting juror compensation to comply with current statutes, as it still needs to be written. In the meantime they approved a resolution paying jurors $15.50 a day plus 22 cents per mile.

Contributions of $900 to the Grayville, Norris City and Enfield Senior Citizens Centers and $4,500 to the Carmi-White County Senior Citizens Center were approved.

And they tabled until the next meeting, Coroner Chris Marsh’s request to trade his current pick-up truck plus the death surcharge grant monies he has received for a new pick-up. The Board wants to weigh its options on how to proceed.

The next County Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 14th at 7 p.m. at the White County Courthouse.