The Carmi-White County School Board met Tuesday night instead of Monday, due to that being the Martin Luther King Holiday. Scott Mareing was at the very brief meeting and has this report…
The board breezed through the very light agenda in only seven minutes. The Consent Agenda was approved, which includes final action on adoption of 19 board policies; recognition of Board Scholars for the first semester of the 2024-25 school year, which includes 14 freshmen, 12 sophomores, six juniors, and 26 seniors: and the acceptance of $1,130 in donations to the Brownsville School and $33,090.04 for the Carmi-White County School District.
In the Superintendent’s Report, Jarred Newell thanked everyone involved in putting on the 45th Carmi White County Invitational Basketball Tournament which is now ongoing. Also, the district has used six emergency days due to the weather, so the last attendance day for students would be May 29th and the last day for staff would be May 30th.
There was no unfinished or new business on the agenda, so the board went into Closed Session at 7:07 PM to discuss personnel and collective negotiations.
In closed session, the board approved two employments to Brownsville School: Lauren Healy as a Brownsville Special Education Teacher, and Mandi Murphy as a Brownsville Individual Aide. Three resignations were also approved: Linda Poole a Classroom Elementary Aide, Jessica Bailey a High School English teacher, and Heather Millhorn the Junior High Secretary.