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Unit 5 School Board places FY19 budget on display

The Carmi-White County Unit 5 Board of Education met Monday night for their July meeting.

New school resource officer David Agee appeared and addressed the Board. He talked of his background, said he has just about finished his training and is anxious to get started.

The tentative fiscal year 2019 budget was placed on display for thirty days with final action set for the September Board meeting. There will be revisions prior to final adoption.

In the Superintendent’s report, Brad Lee said the opening of school is less than a month away. There will be teacher institute and work days August 13th and 14th with a breakfast at the high school cafeteria on August 13th from 7:30 to 8:30 am. The first full day of school is Wednesday, August 15th and school will dismiss 50 minutes early the first week of school for younger students to become acclimated.

Also, the roofing projects at Jefferson and junior/senior high schools, along with the replacement of the two light poles at the football field, have been completed. The sanding and refinishing of both gym floors at the junior/senior high school should be done in about a week and a half.

The Board went into closed session at 7:10 p.m.

In the closed session, the Board employed Ashley Taylor as a school social worker for next school year and Shelly Taylor as a cook at the Brownsville School.  Colleen Dawson was employed as a special education classroom aide, and Jack Bradshaw was hired as a bus driver.  Kurt Simon was employed as the high school assistant boys’ track coach and Kelsi Rogers was approved as a volunteer assistant junior high softball coach.  The Board also adopted a resolution honorably dismissing an educational support staff employee effective July 16th.

The Unit 5 Board will next meet on August 20th.