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School Board Approves Tax Levy and Gets Ready for Christmas Break

The Carmi-White County Unit #5 School Board held their final meeting of the year Monday night.  Scott Mareing was there and has this report…

The board accepted a donation of Lot 7 in the west division of the development held by Edgewood LTD with the hopes of assisting a future building trades project.  The endowment was made on the behalf of founding members of Edgewood Tom and Cheryl Sutton, Frank and Sandy Barbre , Dale and Donna Medlin, and Don and Connie Garrett.

They also accepted a donation of property located across from the Jefferson Attendance Center at 310 West Sycamore from Brent Edwards pending demolition.

The 2024 tax levy was adopted.  The levy is against the property values of 2024 and will be extended in the summer of 2025, and the district will spend the money during the 2025-26 school year beginning July 1, 2025.  Since the levy request is lower than 5% of the previous year’s tax extension, a Truth in Taxation hearing was not required.

The board approved a Cardiac Emergency Response Plan in accordance with guidance from the American Heart Association.  The plan addresses cardiac arrest or other life-threatening emergencies while at school or at a school-sponsored event.

Justin Dartt of Dartt & Company presented the audit of Fiscal Year 2024 for the school district.  He said the audit went smoothly and the district is in good financial shape.  No action is needed by the board.

The Consent Agenda was approved, which included preliminarily adoption of 19 changes in board policies with final action set for the January board meeting.  It also included $140 in donations to the Brownsville School, as well as $55,433.48 to the entire district from the Absher Foundation.

In the Superintendent’s Report, Jarrod Newell thanked the Music Department and District Staff, who are holding several concerts and programs this month, for their efforts.  He also noted that school will be closed from Monday, December 23rd through Thursday, January 2nd for Christmas vacation.  Staff will return for an in-service day on Friday, January 3rd and students will return on Monday, January 6th

The board went into a closed session at 7:28 PM to discuss personnel, review of closed session minutes and audio tapes, individual student matters and collective negotiations.

In Closed Session of the CWC School Board, four recommendations were given to the board members for the open positions at CWC school buildings: Julia Smith Head High School Softball Coach, Travis Black Head High School Baseball Coach, Jaclyn Mosberger an Individual Aide at Brownsville Attendance Center, and Laura Wall Assistant Cook at Washington; and one volunteer was approved: Jeremy Courson as the Volunteer High School Softball Coach.