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Righter: Abortion legislation unaffordable, attacks innocent life

State Sen. Dale Righter (R-Mattoon) says legislation that would expand abortion rights in Illinois not only violates federal law and is unaffordable, but is an attack on the sanctity of innocent human life.

House Bill 4013, which could be voted on during the lame duck session scheduled Jan. 9 and 10, expands abortion access for women on Medicaid and women on some state health insurance plans. The legislation would require taxpayers to pay the bill for abortions for any reason. Sen. Righter says he is adamantly opposed.

“This substantially changes Illinois law that currently mirrors the federal policy where taxpayer dollars cannot be used to fund abortions, with the exception of rape, incest, or the health of the mother,” Righter said. “More importantly, this legislation would be a tremendous step backward in what should be everyone’s effort to do whatever it takes to protect the sanctity of human life. Legislators deal with legislation that impacts life and death frequently. But, there is not one issue that is more directly related to life than the abortion issue. This legislation simply attacks innocent life and has taxpayers foot the bill.”

A poll conducted by Knights of Columbus/Marist last summer found 62 percent of Americans oppose taxpayer dollars being used to fund abortion. 45 percent of those respondents even identified themselves as pro-choice.


A poll by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Oct. 2016 found similar results where 58 percent of likely voters say Medicaid should not cover abortion, while only 36 percent say Medicaid should cover the procedure.


“It’s clear, a majority of taxpayers don’t want to fund abortion, and on top of that, Illinois can’t even afford an expansion of Medicaid,” Righter said. “House Bill 4013 goes against the wishes of taxpayers. It’s no surprise the sponsor of this legislation says she could move this bill during the lame duck session, a time where controversial and bad legislation is often times passed by the majority.”


House Bill 4013 is currently pending in the House for consideration.

“I will oppose this legislation and any legislation that walks us backward from protecting the sanctity of human life,” Righter said. “This is an incredibly critical issue. Life literally depends on it.”