Louisville, IL – State Rep. Darren Bailey is reminding everyone that the annual Illinois Department of Natural Resource (IDNR) Free Fishing Days celebration is scheduled for June 19 to 22 this year. Free Fishing Days is a four-day celebration of fishing in Illinois when anglers can fish without purchasing a fishing license, salmon stamp or inland trout stamp. This year it coincides with Father’s Day Weekend.
“We have many places to fish in our area and this is a great opportunity spend time at our lakes, ponds and rivers with family and friends for a little ‘catch and release’ fun or maybe catching something tasty for dinner,” said Rep. Bailey. “Some of the best places to fish are right here in southeastern Illinois from Newton Lake to Sam Dale Lake and the Olney City lakes to Charley Brown Park Lake.”
Families are encouraged to continue getting back to normal activities and get outdoors for some fresh air and spend quality time this Father’s Day Weekend by going fishing at one of the many lakes in the area. Some of the local fishing holes in the 109th District include:
Beall Woods Lake (https://www.ifishillinois.org/profiles/display_lake.php?waternum=00224)
Charley Brown Park Lake (https://www.hookandbullet.com/fishing-charley-brown-park-lake-flora-il/)
West Salem Reservoir (https://www.hookandbullet.com/fishing-west-salem-reservoir-albion-il/)
Sara, Lake (https://www.ifishillinois.org/profiles/display_lake.php?waternum=00221)
Newton Lake (https://www.ifishillinois.org/profiles/display_lake.php?waternum=00225)
Red Hills Lake (https://www.ifishillinois.org/profiles/display_lake.php?waternum=00223)
Olney City Lakes (https://www.ci.olney.il.us/visitors/lakes/index.php)
East Fork Lake (https://www.ifishillinois.org/profiles/display_lake.php?waternum=00226)
Sam Dale Lake (https://www.ifishillinois.org/profiles/display_lake.php?waternum=00236)
Visit the IDNR online site at: https://www.ifishillinois.org/profiles/selector.php to check the hours of your favorite spot