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Proposed Property Tax Increases to Trigger Truth in Taxation Hearing in Carmi; Cozart Appointed as Assistant City Attorney Tuesday

City of Carmi attorney Greg Stewart now has some help dealing with city legal matters.  Council unanimously approved the appointment of Allison Cozart as Assistant City Attorney Tuesday night and she subsequently took the oath.  Stewart had this to say in advance of her appointment.

I would say I promised her not to give her any dog cases (laughter) but maybe I overpromised a little something there.  No, I think you’ll be very pleased with Allison.  She’s extremely intelligent, graduated at the top of her class at SIU law, just got sworn in, she’s digging in and taking the reins pretty tight and doing a lot of work for us.  I think it would be a good opportunity for all of you to get to know Allison and for Allison to start doing some of the ordinance violations and other work.  We get a lot of calls from the city and it would be a great service to the city to have a back up.  It would be a great service to me.  So I would appreciate if you would consider passing the resolution and affording me the privilege of swearing Allison in.

Also Tuesday night, Council approved the closure of Cherry, Third, Elm, Main Cross, and Robinson Street for the It’s a White County Christmas parade scheduled for November 30th.  Megan Newman, Chamber Executive Director, says there are already about 20 entries and she’s welcoming more.

Furthermore, council heard from Keith Davis on behalf of the Carmi Elks Lodge.  He was there to request a special event liquor license for an event to be held February 8th at the 404 Seed Station in support of We Love White County.  That request was granted with unanimous support.

Council approved the Carmi Public Library budget for next year and also the 2025 Holiday Schedule for the library.

The final approval Tuesday surrounded the tax levy for the City of Carmi.  The city is proposing property tax increases of 12.03% which will trigger a Truth in Taxation Public Hearing in December.  City Clerk Cynthia Atteberry read the notice

Proposed property tax increase for the City of Carmi.  A public hearing will be held on December 17, 2024 at 5:15pm in the Carmi Municipal Building.  Any person desiring to appear at the public hearing and present testimony to the taxing district may contact myself, Cynthia Atteberry at 618-384-2001 or they may come up to the office.  The corporate and special purpose property taxes extended or abated for 2023 were $710,920.  The proposed corporate and special purpose property taxes to be levied for 2024 are $796,458.  This represents a 12.03% increase over the previous year.

City Council adjourned at 5:50pm.  Meeting dates for December are the 3rd and 17th.

  1. Brandi Williams
    Brandi Williams
    November 20, 2024 at 3:39 pm

    Like they aren’t high enough

    • William
      November 21, 2024 at 6:13 pm

      Well I’d like to see some sidewalk projects first. The sidewalk ends at Hucks Corporate World Headquarters. We need sidewalks all the way to Walmart. And a bike lane. Old man rant over.

  2. Donald Bartley
    Donald Bartley
    November 20, 2024 at 6:13 pm

    If the property taxes up you watch businesses closes and that will sad watching a town dry up

  3. S kay
    S kay
    November 20, 2024 at 9:44 pm

    The property taxes are slated to increase by about 14% I was told by the state. Will this be an additional 12.03% on top of that???? I don’t know about you, but most of us can’t afford this!

  4. Gary
    November 21, 2024 at 7:00 am

    Cut some over time that’s not needed and some employees that just stand arround doing nothing, to many family members working for the city and that will save a lot of money quit providing gas for some employees that live here in Town and if they have to do some thing out of town use company vehicles there is a lot that can be cut to save money . There is a lot of miss management that need to be addressed .

  5. ron naylor
    ron naylor
    November 21, 2024 at 8:30 am

    the city needs the money for the next event at burrels woods and to keep it mowed.

  6. Jackie Browning
    Jackie Browning
    November 21, 2024 at 10:17 am

    This is ridiculous! Light and water, homeowner insurance and property taxes have increased so much already that anyone on Social Security will not be able to sustain. For me, I may have to sell my home. God help us!!!

  7. JB Pritzger
    JB Pritzger
    November 21, 2024 at 4:43 pm

    I for one welcome the tax increases.

  8. DT
    November 22, 2024 at 10:34 am

    Should be on the spring election ballot, see how that goes

  9. Gary
    November 25, 2024 at 3:11 pm

    How are people supposed to pay more taxes when they can’t pay them now and some people just barely can pay taxes , drive arround look at this town look at some of the places some people live do you think they can pay more drain the swamp and you won’t need to raise taxes


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