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Possible Mental Health Board to Reappear in Hamilton County

In Hamilton County, A Mental Health Levy has been in effect for years, but the funds were depleted in 2020. Justin from Bellwether explained that since 2015, the levy had been around $5,000 a year, but in 2018, it went up to $10,000 and stayed there until 2020.

“Due to the additional levy amounts in those two years, the levy was then dropped to zero, and that mental health was paid out of reserves until the reserve was depleted.”

Jefferson County Comprehensive Services had been providing its services through the hospital. County Clerk Heather Bowman discussed that the mental health board is no longer in existence, and if the County Board wants to bring that back, there would need to be appointments and other important items to square away before that could be done.

States Attorney Justin Hood was in attendance and expressed his feelings about the possibility of bringing that back to the County,

“It would be nice if we had a place here in McLeansboro where people would be able to go.”

The board agreed to gather more information about the past existence of the Mental Health Board and if it would be something to bring back.

Chris from the Hamilton County Beautification Task Force updated the board on the upcoming gazebo costs. The roof, light, and fan will need to be replaced and a new paint job. The task force plans to have a joint meeting with the City and County on August 6th at 5:30 to ask if either of the boards will take over the gazebo once the projects are completed.

Kiwanis members were in attendance to ask the board for a donation towards a new PA system for the square. The idea is to have four speakers on the corners of the courthouse before the Fall Festival to use for celebrations. The County members left the decision up to the Sheriff, but the estimate will be around $6,465. The only concerns centered around the project would be the location of the speakers and how Kiwanis would be able to get to them. Ideas were given to have them on the roof or inside to protect them from the weather and use them for emergencies if needed.

The board did agree to donate $1,000 for the speakers. The City, Chamber, and Rotary also donated $1,000 each to Kiwanis.

The Consent Agenda was approved, and Jim Taylor and Tim Hoskins were appointed to the Southern 14 Workforce.

In New Business, the approvals consisted of the Hamilton County Budget for the Fiscal Year 2024, the Claims List, Late Claims, Highway Claims, and the service credit to IMRF for Military Service.

Lastly, the board accepted the resolution pertaining to the South Twigg Bridge Project over Rector Creek.

A joint meeting with the City of McLeansboro and Hamilton County Board will be on August 6th at 5:30 PM.

The next Hamilton County Board meeting will be on August 20th at 6 PM.


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