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OSLAD Grant, Body Cams, and More for the Village of Norris City Board

The Norris City Village Board met Tuesday night instead of Monday, due to the Labor Day holiday.  Scott Masreing was there and has this report…

Before the regular meeting, there was a 15 minute public hearing on applying for an OSLAD grant for the playground and ball field complex, through the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. The Open Space Land Acquisition and Development grant is for $356, 233.75, including construction costs, with the state to pay for half the amount.  The village can use donations to pay for their half.

In the regular session, the board members approved a resolution to allow the application to go forward.

During visitor’s comments, James Wilhelm asked the board how to go about starting a kayak and camper rental business in the village  Mayor Skip Land said he would get together with Wilhelm to discuss details, and put the item on the agenda at next month’s board meeting.

Mayor Land got permission from the board to look into a camera system to inspect sewer lines.

The board approved purchasing police officer body cams from Digital Ally at a cost of $19,410.  The state will reimburse the majority of the cost.  They will also look into getting a local backup in case of their computers  being hacked.

The money from the Overland settlement, which is $46,000, was put in the general fund, but the board will try and decide what that money should be spent on.

Also approved was closing time for liquor sales at the American Legion during Dairy Days.  Last call will be 12:30 AM with a 1 AM closing time on both that Saturday and Sunday.  All sales will be kept inside.

New forms for solicitors have been written up.  Solicitations will be only on specific dates

Mayor Land will attend the Community Block Development Grant Workshop in Springfield.

CDL contracts for Justin Land and Jake Rush were approved.

The board agreed to accept Wabash Area Development Incorporated funds for needy residents to pay their utility bills

The permits from IDOT for the Dairy Days Parade and road closures have been signed.

The board approved a $3,800 estimate for metal roofing for the Boy Scout Hall and Hulett Park bathroom.

Bulldog Systems will loan three dumpsters to the village free of charge for Fall Cleanup Days September 20th and 21nd.

In the Police report for August, there were ten reports written, 45 dispatch calls, 20 Office and non-emergency calls, and 19 Citizen calls or contacts.

The board went into Executive Session at 7:46 PM to discuss Personnel and Leave.

The nest meeting of the Norris City Village Board will be on Monday, October 7th at 7 PM.


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