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Norris City Village Board To Meet Tonight

The next meeting of the Norris City Village Board will be a 7 PM on Monday, June 10th at City Hall.

Topping the agenda is the appointment of a new Board Member to replace Sue James and the appointment of a Treasurer.

Also on the agenda is Lena Hicks of WADI, the Street Superintendent position, a sidewalk update, oil and chip dates of July 26th, Mimmo’s liquor license, water samples from the Illinois Rural Water Association, a storm report from the weekend of the 4th, and Keith Stokes’ surgery.

Comments from visitors will be heard as well as committee reports and board member concerns, and comments from Mayor “Skip” Land.

There will be Police and Animal Control reports, and an Executive Session may be held to discuss personnel.

The Norris City Village Board will hold its next monthly meeting on Monday August 7th at 7 PM.





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