Kent Armstrong of Botsch and Associates CPA’s presented the annual audit report. He said there were no problems with the audit and the Village is in very sound financial condition. There was a balance of $966,846 cash on hand. All the major funds showed a profit, except for a small deficit in the gas fund.
The damage to the mother board at the water plant was covered by insurance, but the flood damage there was not, as the damage was less than the $25,000 deductable.
The Norris City Athletic Association wants to purchase new fiberglass bleachers for Hullett Field. They’re going to hold a fundraiser and the Village agreed to also donate money for the bleachers with an amount to be determined after the fundraiser, at the October Village board meeting.
The Board also agreed to approve their usual $1,000 donation to Dairy Days and approved a resolution to close off the highway for the Dairy Days parade.
The ICC conducted a drug program inspection recently and issued two violations. They were that the mayor’s office needed more training to recognize drug use and that the Village doesn’t test for alcohol. They may need to change their testing procedures and the State also requires them to have Commercial Drivers Licenses.
The Board agreed to purchase a 1996 two and half-ton dump truck that is in excellent condition with 15,000 miles on it from its owner in Marion.
Ted Corbett addressed the Board about allowing him to keep rabbits and chickens on his property as pets, which is not allowed under a village ordinance, even though he’s had them for several years. He asked the Board to change the ordinance. After some discussion they decided to table the matter, look into it some and more and bring it up again at the next board meeting.
Six citations were written for residents that did not correct nuisance violations on their properties. They did not appeal or contact the office and the violations have been partially corrected or no attempt was made at all to correct them. A court date of Monday, September 12th at 9 am has been set for those residents. It was also noted that more notices will be forthcoming.
Those Board members running for re-election next year must pick up petitions on Tuesday September 20th. They must be turned in by this December.
In the police report for August there were nine reports drawn up, three arrests made and 11 citations issued. There were also 15 9-1-1 calls made.
The next Village Board meeting will be Monday, October 3rd at 7 pm.