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John Summer
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Norris City Village Board Met Tuesday

The Norris City Village Board held its regular monthly meeting Tuesday night instead of the usual Monday due to Labor Day.

The board approved a Management Services agreement with Brown & Roberts for Phase IV of the Water Project.  As part of the requirement for a Phase IV grant, the village has to pass an Ethical Conduct Ordinance with has to do with hiring requirements.  The current Nepotism Ordinance would interfere with this, so Mayor Skip Land asked, and got the board’s approval, to do away with the Nepotism Ordinance.  This would then give the board, and not solely the Mayor, the authority to hire.  At next month’s meeting, they will also vote to pass the ethics ordinance.

Concerning the old John Schofield property, the village had it appraised with a concrete prime lot assessment at $4 to $5 per square foot.  The board decided to table the item until next month’s meeting, as they want time to determine how much work on the property needs to be done by the village, and they don’t want to sell the property or give it away.

Approved was $20,000 in Motor Fuel Tax funds and $20,000 in TIF funds for the village.

Also approved was declaring the Ford F250 4X4 and the Jeep as Surplus Property, so it can be sold by sealed bids.

The Mayor was given approval to look into getting a Dental Program for employees.

A $299,000 CD was transferred from First Bank to People’s National Bank, as People’s was offering a 5.1% interest rate compared to 3.2% from First Bank.

Board member Wayne McKenzie presented the Parks Committee report.  Work has been going relatively smoothly.

They are looking into installing speed bumps around the ball field complex.

So far, 112 credit card users have been using it to pay their utility bills.

The Legion was given permission to be open extended hours until 12:30 AM on September 22nd and 23rd.

The board tabled dates and times for the Boo Bash and Trick-or-Treating until they can talk to the churches about their Trunk-or-Treat events.

There was no Police report for August, but Mayor Land noted that the Sheriff’s Department has been helping out and the State Police have been helping with enforcing speed limits in school zones.  They are needing to fill two officer vacancies.

Willie Glad’s request to close the alley at Locust and Conger Streets will be looked into.

The board agreed to donate $1,000 to Dairy Days plus the cost of a generator.

The board went into Executive Session at 7:38 PM to discuss litigation and the purchase of property.


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