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NCOE School Board passes 2017 tax levy

The NCOE School Board met during a short meeting on Wednesday night, December 13th.

The School Board approved the 2017 tax levy as presented by Mr. Vollman. Amounts levied were $900,000 for education; $185,000 for operation and maintenance; $106,000 for transportation; $10,000 for working cash; $160,000 for municipal retirement; $100,000 for tort immunity; $21,000 for special education purposes; $125,000 for social security purposes; and $20,000 for fire prevention and safety.

The Board also voted to abate $179,453 in bond payments that will be paid from the one percent tax monies received. This amount is a property tax relief and not included in the current levy.

The Principals all reported that the Winters Arts/Chili Supper was a huge success. They praised Mr. Austin and all the students who participated for an enjoyable event.

Mr. Haley told the Board that over 2,000 loaves of bread were baked by FCCLA members this week at the High School during their annual fundraiser.

The FFA Alumni Auction will be January 20th at Booth Elementary.

Both NCO and Booth had their PTO Jingle Bell Shops open last week for children to purchase inexpensive gifts for family and friends for Christmas. The children enjoyed it and thanks was given to the PTO and all the volunteers that make it possible.

NCO’s Christmas Program was well attended this week and all of the children did a great job. Booth will hold their program December 18.

In other business the Board:

– Agreed to let bids for gas/diesel products at the January 2018 meeting.