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NCOE School Board meets for February meeting

The NCOE Board of Education held their meeting Wednesday evening in the Superintendent’s office. The minutes and the bills for the month were approved as presented.

The highlight of the meeting was school safety. Mr. Vollman updated the Board about the district’s ongoing efforts to ensure the safety of all students and that safety is the district’s number one priority. Mr. Vollman informed the board that he has been in dialogue with the district’s security company, architect, as well as conducting safety audits through a verified security company to make sure the district is doing everything possible for the safety and security of the students at NCOE.

During presentation of the Treasurer’s Report Mr. Vollman told the Board that the district has received transportation money for the first quarter. Also, the district has been approved for their Title grants.

Basketball regionals are currently taking place at NCOE. Mr. Haley reported that Homecoming went really well and thanked Mrs. Large and Mrs. Ramsey and the students and parents that helped make it a success.

NCOE will be hosting a scholar bowl regional on March 5th.

At NCO the Jump Rope for Heart program is beginning. Also, the History Fair will be February 28th.

Booth PTO will be hosting Bingo in April.

In other business the Board:

– Accepted the second reading of updated Board Policies as presented.

– Let bids for mowing.

– Accepted resignation of Angel Maloney.

– Accepted resignation of Amy Cox.

– Employed Betty Trousdale as classroom aid at NCO

– Employed Emily Brinkley as personal aid