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NCOE school board meets for April

The NCOE Board of Education held their monthly meeting April 18th in the Superintendent’s office.  The minutes and the bills for the month were approved as presented.

School safety and security continue to be the topic of discussion as security reviews and upgrades for the school district continue. Superintendant Matt Vollman informed the board that he met with Norris City Mayor Roy Kissel and the local police department to discuss more intense police surveillance at the NCO grade school and NCOE high school. Mr. Vollman praised the mayor and local police for their willingness to help in the matter and putting the schools safety as priority for the city. The schools will see more police surveillance as well as on campus presence at the buildings. Mr. Vollman said similar discussions and talks are ongoing with Enfield police and Mayor Tom Harbour as well and informed the board that Booth school will see more police presence as well. Discussions with the county sheriff’s department have taken place as well and Mr. Vollman thanked Sheriff Maier and his deputies for their increased presence around the schools as well. Further, building safety audits are being conducted to ensure that our buildings are as secure as possible for students and staff.  Upgrades to the classroom doors and exterior doors are to be expected at the buildings.

The Board amended the meeting date next month from Thursday, May 17, to Wednesday, May 16.

The Board accepted resignation letters from Brooklyn Naas, speech pathologist, and Kelci Webb, jr. high cheer sponsor.

With the school year winding down, the Principals updated the Board with several dates of upcoming events.  The State History Fair will be May 3rd and NCO has 5 students attending.  Eighth grade graduations will be May 21st at 6:00 and 7:30 p.m.

The high school will be hosting their Spring Arts April 20th at 6:00 p.m and the Jr High Spring Arts will be April 27th at 6 p.m.  The annual senior class trip will be April 30 through May 4.  The Golf Scramble will be held May 5th at the Carmi Country Club.  The Ministerial Alliance will host a party for the high school and 8th grade graduates on May 7th. Baccalaureate will be at 7 p.m. May 9th at the high school auditorium. Senior Honors will begin at 10 a.m. on May 10th; and Senior graduation May 11th at 7:00 p.m with the drug and alcohol free party beginning at 10:15 p.m.

Team Extreme provided assemblies all elementary and high school students on May 11th.  They were a great entrainment and left the students with a great message about making positive choices in their lives.

The NCOE Jr. High Volleyball team was congratulated for winning 4th place at state.

The PTO has been busy.  At NCO they hosted the volleyball alumni games and raffled off many prizes.  The PTO bingo at Booth will be May 20th at Enfield.  This helps support the end of the year activities at Booth.

Kindergarten graduations will be May 22nd at NCO and Booth.  Pre-k ceremony will be May 17th at 6:00 p.m.  Kindergarten registration for NCO will be April 23rd at 6:00 pm and at Booth April 26th at 6:00 p.m.

In other business the Board:

– Employed Charles Simpson, high school math.

– Employed Stephen Humphrey, jr. high social science.

– Employed Kathryn Baltzell, speech pathologist.