A petition with the required signatures has been received by the NCOE School Board which will place the resolution to sell bonds not to exceed $3.2 Million on the April 1, 2025 ballot. The proposed bonds would be used to improve the safety and security of the students and
staff and improve the NCOE School District buildings to remedy the items set forth in the health/life/safety inspection report. The language that will be on the ballot will be approved by the School Board and certified to the County Clerk for all counties involved.
While the School Board has not verified all 324 of the signatures submitted are valid (registered voters in the district), the minimum threshold required was 311 signatures. As of now it is not anticipated that there will be a challenge of the signatures by any of the voters in the district, although the vast majority of the signatures came from only one part of the district.
Placing the bond issue on the ballot of April 1, 2025, will undoubtedly delay the projects at the high school that are needed pursuant to the health/life/safety inspection report. Since the NCOE School District will be unable to procure the funding until after the bond resolution has
been passed by the voters, and the School Board does not want to start the process for these projects without having already secured the funding. The planning for large summer projects starts prior to February. This involves working with the school architect to build bid specs that are then presented to the School Board for approval, which includes the construction contract terms. Then the bid notice will be published and the projects will be put out to bid. The School Board will have to review bids and accept or reject bids for each of the projects. Many of the projects will not begin until, at the earliest, summer of 2026.
Read more at Required Signatures Turned In Sending Bond Issue to Ballot – WRUL-FM