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NCOE Board submits FY2017 budget at Wednesday meeting

The NCOE School Board met on Wednesday night and school facilities and maintenance projects were discussed. Mr. Vollman discussed with the board the 1% facilities tax monies that began in July 2015 and how it has significantly helped the district with much needed building and maintenance items. The district began receiving funds in November 2015 and to date has received $254,872.54. The money has been used to match the maintenance grant received from the State to install new HVAC systems at the high school, repair roofs, doors, parking lots and variety of other maintenance projects throughout the district. This year $76,000 is being set aside to cover the building bond obligation and for the next 3 years $472,000 will be used for the same.

The NCOE School Board also approved an after school archery program to begin in February 2017. The presentation was made by Ricky Sauls the IL State Coordinator for Scholastic 3D Archery.

S3DA is a 4 year old program in 34 states. Sauls would like to bring the program to Southern IL and is working with the schools. The program will be open for boys and girls through grades 3 through 12 provided a coach can be found.

Sauls became interested when his son Bradford excelled in archery. Bradford is now a freshman at Jackson, Mississippi College on the archery team. The S3DA has partnered with the US Collegiate Archery Association and this exposure opens up opportunities for college scholarships.

Mrs. Becky Weaver presented to the Board a proposal to build a new softball field or make major improvements to Beatty Field. Mrs. Weaver would like to develop a field that is regulation softball standards and feels this will give a new sense of pride to the NCOE softball program. The Board did not take any action at the meeting but will seek further information in the near future.

The Board held a public hearing on the 2016-2017 budget prior to the regular board meeting. The Board then approved a resolution for submission of the budget at the regular Board meeting. Superintendent Matt Vollman told the Board just because there is a K-12 budget doesn’t mean the State will be paying. The board then approved the budget, with estimated positive balance in each category at the end of the year. The budget will soon be available on the district website.

In other business—

* The board approved the 6 day enrollment which showed enrollment down 13 students from last year.

* The approved the 2015-2016 Teacher Salary and Benefit Report.

* Approve the Application for Recognition of Schools.

* Approve the FMLA request from Tiffany Reavis November 28, 2016 through March 24, 2017.

* They held the Second Reading of updated Board Policies.