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Cathy Taylor
Cathy Taylor
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MCPD arrests 5/16-5/17/16

The following subjects were arrested by the Mt. Carmel Police Department.  All subjects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Kodad,Matthew K 051616 Doan,Theodore J 051616

On 05/16/2016, Mt. Carmel Police arrested two subjects after suspected methamphetamine was found in the vehicle they occupied.  According to the MPCD Police report, a police officer stopped a 2001 Jaguar being driven by 31 year old Matthew K. Kodad of Allendale.  During the traffic stop it was discovered that Kodad was driving on a suspended Oklahoma driver’s license.  A search incident to arrest located approximately 6.8 grams of a crystal like substance that is believed to be methamphetamine.  A passenger in the vehicle was identified as 39 year old Theodore Doan of Mt. Carmel.    Both subjects were arrested and transported to the Wabash County Jail.  Kodad is charged with possession of methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia, driving while suspended, operating an uninsured motor vehicle, and failure to transfer title.  Doan is charged with possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia.  Both subjects are being held in the Wabash County Jail pending the setting and posting of bond.  NOTE: Subjects mug shots have been attached.

05/17/2016, Mt. Carmel Police were notified of an underage drinking party at 114 Clubhouse Place in Mt. Carmel.  When police arrived on scene the found 19 year old Cole T.N. Jamison of Mt. Carmel.  According to the police report, Jamison was outside when they arrived on scene and while talking to him they noticed an alcoholic beverage smell coming from his person.  Jamison was arrested and transported to the Wabash County Jail where he was charged with illegal consumption of alcohol by a minor.  Police were unable to get other party goers to answer the door to the residence.