Chad May, the new mayor of McLeansboro, will provide over the city council meeting there this evening and they’ve got a full agenda. The council is expected to hear from multiple video gaming vendors including Calvin Booth of Flo’s Gaming and also Andrea Chamberlin of Accel Entertainment. Additionally, time has been allotted for Sussana Mills to discuss the Girl Scouts. There will be potential mayoral appointments taking place and also a proposed ordinance to update city code. Brian Fulkerson will ask council for permission to use the city lake for a catfish tournament on July 10th. He says the fishing tournament will be a fundraiser for local Allie Brown, a youngster battling cancer. Council will also open bids on multiple city owned vehicles and discuss approving a donation to the McLeansboro Kiwanis Club to help with the Fall Festival. The meeting gets underway at 5pm. WROY/WRUL will have a reporter at the meeting.