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McLeansboro City Council Met Tuesday Night

The Mcleansboro City Council met last night in its regular monthly session.

At the beginning of the busy meeting, Mayor Dick Dietz complimented the city workers on getting the power back on, as well as the fire and police departments and everyone that helped out, after the recent power outage.  Dietz also cautioned everyone about being diligent on spending money for all the things that are being done to improve the city of McLeansboro, and he thanked everyone for all the good work they do for the city.

The board agreed to extend the two-inch gas line under Highway 142 and complete the loop, as it will greatly relieve pressure in cold weather.  Estimated cost for the project is $23,000.

They approved a March Pay Request on the Water Tower project from Caldwell Tank for $3,230 for the completion of mixing equipment located in the tank.

An eight inch PVC valve between the pump station and the old tank will be replaced.

Change Order #1 for Contract “A” on the water tower was approved in the amount of $70,077.

They approved an amendment of the agreement between the owner and the engineer for Shawnee Professional Services to reflect changes in the engineering fees based on actual bids received for construction and for the additional construction costs associated with the Change Order as approved by Rural Development.

The board approved the PER amendment for the proposed sanitary sewer project subject to final review by Rural Development and the city, and request that Shawnee along with city personnel continue with the steps required for the submittal of the grant loan application to Rural Development for funding of the sewer improvement.  Only Alderman Glenn voted “no” on the measure.

The incorporation of the “alley” attached to 601 East Randolph Street was approved.  The city will obtain the deed to the area of land from Dollar General and have an ordinance ready by next month’s meeting to legally designate it as an alley.

They accepted the property to be donated by Bird Dog Properties and the agreement from IDOT regarding the viaduct.

Since IDOT has decided to move their ADA sidewalk to the south side of Market Street, it voids the sidewalk plan south of Greg James Memorial Park, so no action needs to be taken.

The board agreed to accept the write-off of four bad debts to the city totaling $9,179.66.

The purchase from Outdoor Energy in Wayne City for two Skaggs Lawnmowers at a cost of $18,800 was accepted.  The city will put the two old lawnmowers up for sale with sealed bids.

They approved the resolution authorizing the Sale of Surplus Real Estate and passed the resolution allowing Illinois Codification Services to edit and codify the city ordinances and publish a Code of Ordinances.

The board authorized the use of local funds for the new sewer main improvement in the alley on Washington and Randolph Streets.

The resolution on Motor Fuel Tax Funds was approved.

After much discussion it was decided to cap the budget for building a new City Hall at $1 million.

The purchase of new playground equipment for the Izaak Walton Cabin area with a maximum budget of $25,000 was approved and they tabled determining rental rates for the cabin until they can come up with more information at next month’s meeting.  The kitchen sink still needs to be installed and the faucets need to be hooked up before they open.

There is a possibility the city pool could open in April with some stipulations.

The board went into an executive session for about 15 minutes and announced the hiring of Calvin Lenard to the Electric Department.  And they agreed to leave the Executive Session minutes for the eight council meetings from January to August of 2019 closed to the public.

The board met for about two hours.


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