The McLeansboro City Council met Tuesday Night for their regular monthly meeting for a little over an hour. Scott Mareing was there and has this report…
Some items were approved and others were set aside at the meeting.
Approved was the Consent Agenda, which included a Façade Grant and TIF agreement for Pearle Properties LLC; renewal of airport leases for the Fearless Flyers, Bret Vaughan and David Sutton; a resolution regarding the sale of property located at 133 and 508 South Jackson Streets; a resolution regarding recurrent debts, a Fiscal Year 24 Appropriations Amendment; and a FY 24 budget amendment.
In the Police report, the department received a Fire Department small equipment grant for $26,000 and a $50,000 hiring and retention grant good for a three year period, and are applying for a camera grant and a bullet-proof vest grant. Everything went smoothly during the Eclipse period with no incidents taking place and there seemed to be a good crowd of people in town for the viewing.
After much discussion the board approved 4 to 2 to purchase a new Dodge Durango police vehicle with K9 capabilities for the police department, approved by a 4 to 2 margin giving the same amount in Christmas bonuses as last year to all city employees, reappointed Katy Jones and Janice Crow to the McCoy Library Board until 2027, hired Jacob Leuke and Tucker Richards as temporary part-time summer employees to go along with the two already employed, and hired 12 pool employees to serve as lifeguards.
The board took no action on updating the fire department’s software, tabled action on utility rates and took no action on firefighters pay, as they will have to get together with the city attorneys to discuss the matter further due to the Illinois Paid Leave Act factoring in to the equation.
The FY 25 budget is being put together and will be presented at next month’s meeting with a public hearing to be held before passage.
John Perryman and Bruce Morrison of Market Street Charitable Properties addressed the board saying they are putting up for sale the property east of St. Clements Church and want to give the city the first opportunity at it.
And there will be a tire recycling event being held on Saturday, April 20th from 8 AM until noon.
The board adjourned at 6:42 PM.