WROY/WRUL Local Sports Recap
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Back on Friday, the Carmi-White County Boys Basketball team fell to Flora at home by a final score of 53-49. The loss drops the Bulldogs’ record to 4-3 and 0-1 in the Black Diamond Conference. Carmi will have two road games this week, traveling to Hamilton County on Friday and then Benton on Saturday.
The Carmi-White County Wrestling team went 4-2 at the Marion Duels Tournament on Saturday. The Bulldogs went 2-2 in pool play, defeating Goreville and Sparta, then losing to Carbondale and Fort Campbell (KY). Carmi then defeated Kennent (MO) and Mt. Vernon to finish 13th out of 21 teams on the day.
The CWC Wrestlers will be in action on Wednesday as they host Robinson at McDougal-Evers Gymnasium.