The Carmi League of Arts sponsored a free music concert on Sunday at the Gazebo by the Carmi Public Library. This is the final event as part of this year’s “Night Under the Stars” series of outdoor concerts, following a Gospel Sing at the White County Fair and a feature of the Kyilindi Pipes & Drum Band.
For this program, members of the League chose songs to represent the history of the organization. The Carmi League of Arts officially formed on November 17, 1974, so that’s 50 years of history to get through – in one evening.
Performers were chosen and placed according to what decade the League performed the show containing their song. At the end, several cast members for the summer production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat gave a short revue of the show. The full listing of performances:
- Kelsi Hunsinger – The Sound of Music (The Sound of Music, 1979)
- Ryan Bartley – If I Were a Rich Man (Fiddler on the Roof, 1979)
- Daniel Slaton – Oh What a Beautiful Mornin’ (Oklahoma, 1981)
- Sherry Passmore – Day By Day (Godspell, 1983)
- Emma Legg – Tomorrow (Annie, 1993)
- Mike Erwin – I’m Just a Bill (Schoolhouse Rock, 2002)
- Kregg Winkleman – Won’t Take Nothing For My Journey Now (Smoke on the Mountain, 2008)
- Ellen Legg – Over the Rainbow (Wizard of Oz, 2019)
- Hailey Winkleman – Spoonful of Sugar (Mary Poppins, 2015)
- Niki Lamont – Pulled (Addams Family, 2021)
- Laney York – Part of Your World (Disney’s The Little Mermaid, 2023)
- Hailey Winkleman, Ellen Legg, Sheila Westfall, Mike Erwin – Potiphar (Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, 2024)
- Egyptian Chorus – A Pharaoh’s Story (Joseph… 2024)
- Cast of Joseph – Any Dream Will Do Finale (Give Me My Colored Coat) (Joseph… 2024)
Publicity Officer Hailey Winkleman emceed and shared parts of League history including the full list of shows for each decade up to and including the present. While it was a jam-packed evening of talent and storytelling, it moved quickly and wrapped up in just an hour. It was a great success with a delighted, interactive crowd; many of the songs were known favorites and prompted a sing-along.
At the close of the event, Hailey announced that the curtains at CWCHS are officially going to be replaced, per a recent school board update. This means that the Curtains Up! initiative was a great success, and its goal was achieved ahead of schedule. Because the school board decided to cover the cost for the curtains, any funds donated above and beyond the original goal will go toward other repairs and improvements for the CWCHS stage, such as ropes for the proscenium curtain or upgraded light fixtures. This is invaluable support for the CWC Drama Department as well as the Carmi League of Arts; we are able to provide all of our performers with a safer stage! Thank you to all who helped us get this work done!
The celebration of the 50th continues in September! The League is sponsoring a free showing of the Joseph…Dreamcoat video on the 8th at 4pm; their regular meeting will be on the 14th at 10am; and they are partnering with the Lions Club of Carmi for a community breakfast on the 21st from 7-10am. And, there’s even more planned for the coming months! More information for all of these events is available on the League’s Facebook page.
Although the curtains are covered, the League is continuing fundraising as part of their Curtains Up! initiative for the 50th. All proceeds from concessions or merchandise at remaining League events this year will go toward the CWC Fine Arts Boosters to support our school art programs! We will have stickers and commemorative lapel pins at all events.
Please reach out to Publicity Officer Hailey Winkleman with any questions or if you are interested in making a donation. [email protected]