The Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern Community College District No. 529 acted on a number of business matters at the regular meeting, Tuesday, April 19, at Olney Central College, Olney.
Gideon Raley was seated as student member of the Board of Trustees for a one-year term, until April 2017. A student at Olney Central College, he succeeds student trustee Drew Halter.
The Board entered into an agreement for an Advanced Technical Training Program with the Chicago based German American Chamber of Commerce to develop a dual apprenticeship program with an area industry. The apprenticeship program will help area businesses cultivate local talent for employment and will be ran by OCC’s Industrial Maintenance Program.
An agreement was approved for Fairfield National Bank to provide an ATM on the campus of Frontier Community College, Fairfield.
A streaming agreement was approved with the Play On Sports network to cover athletic events broadcast by the Radio/TV Program at Wabash Valley College.
Affiliation agreements were approved with several area medical facilities.
The board approved acceptance of a bid received for student activities covered by the TRIO Upward Bound Grant Program, from Gerber Tours, Inc. for a total of $43,000.
Allocations of student activity fees were approved for the 2017 fiscal year, for Lincoln Trail College, Olney Central College and Wabash Valley College. The fees are the same as the current year, except for minor changes.
Resignations were accepted from: Jeshua Franklin, Music Instructor at Lincoln Trail
College, effective June 1, 2016; Zachary Loll, Head Women’s Basketball Coach at Wabash Valley College effective May 1, 2016; Andrea Loll, Director of Enrollment Management at Wabash Valley College effective June 1, 2016; and Tiffany White, Academic Counselor, for TRIO Student Support Services at the District Office/Lincoln Trail College effective August 5, 2016.
The Board approved the calling of three Special Board Meetings. The Board meetings will occur on Monday, April 25, Tuesday April 26, and Thursday, April 28. Each meeting will be held at the IECC District Office at 233 East Chestnut Street and will convene at 6:00 p.m. The Board will be interviewing candidates for President of Lincoln Trail College. No action will be taken and the meetings could occur substantially in Executive Session.
Next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be Tuesday, May 17, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at Wabash Valley College.