The Grayville City Council met Monday night for the second time in November. Following approval of the consent agenda and financial reports, the Council approved three pay request change orders totaling $16,694 for the park project.
The tax levy estimate for passage next month was approved. The City will levy the same amount of $281,602.99 as last year.
The Council approved insurance renewal with the Illinois Municipal League for the minimum amount as they did last year.
Approval was given to a service agreement with LEADS Metro E Line IL Century Network for $332 a month for the Police Department.
City Attorney Jay Walden reported that the City had taken possession of the Becky Imboden property, and the taxes had been paid.
Commissioner David Jordan thanked the Chamber of Commerce and everyone who attended the Christmas Parade Saturday night.
Mayor Joe Bisch announced that there will be a flag rising ceremony at the downtown pavilion on Monday, December 4th at 11 am as part of the Illinois Bicentennial celebration occurring statewide.
The Grayville City Council will meet again on Monday, December 12 at 7 pm.