The Grayville City Council met Monday night for the second time in February. Following approval of the consent agenda and the treasurer’s report, the Council met in executive session for 25 minutes.
Following the executive session, it was announced that the City would advertise for a new City utility department supervisor position following communication with the union on responsibilities and duties. Also, it was announced that more negotiation was needed on the Rain For Rent lease.
The Council agreed to sell excess property and equipment through sealed bids. The parcels and equipment listing will be available in the newspaper and at City Hall.
A right of way ordinance drafted from a Municipal League model was unanimously approved. It will require annual registration by utilities and establishes a permit application process that will protect the City, requiring utility installers to provide documentation of insurance.
A low bid of $18, 078.61 from Utility Supply Company of Huntingburg, Indiana was accepted for water meter setters was approved pending clarification of materials to be used.
The Little Wabash Fire Department was granted permission to paint City fire hydrants yellow so they are easier to find in the dark. The department will provide the labor, while the City will provide the paint at a date in the future when the weather is favorable.
Bids for mowing City parcels and for complete City mowing will be accepted until March 21, when a special meeting will be held for bid review. The Council will award bids at the March 26th meeting.
Mayor Bisch reported that Cody Lynn had supplied a list of the wants and needs for the Water Department. Improvements will be made at the chemical building, and the new well is still not cleared for use.
The meeting adjourned at 7:49 pm and the Grayville City Council meets again on Monday, March 12th.