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Electricity Tops City Council Meeting

Electricity Tops Carmi City Council Meeting


Electricity took up the bulk of the Carmi City Council meeting Tuesday evening, as the city’s electrical engineer Dave Coston updated the council on the status of Generator Number 11.

Coston explained its been close to a year since a purchase order was issued to have the generator tore down to determine what the problem was. He explained a number of issues had came up preventing the repairman from doing the job .

Coston reported he discovered Baker Hughes General Electric not only worked on the engines, but also provided parts. He explained General Electric had purchased Baker Hughes and this was a division that worked all over the world on the generator model that needs attention.

Coston explained an estimate of $64,700 would cover tearing down the motor to determine the problem. A portion of that, or all of it could be covered under insurance, but that will not be known until the generator is tore down. It was pointed out repairs could be over $600,000.
But not repairing the generator would cause the city to lose credits from the Illinois Municipal Electrical Association. That is the group that provides power to Carmi and other municipalities throughout the state.  The city actually receives credit for owning and operating the generators and not repairing the one could actually cause the city to lose about a million and a half dollars.

Because it was a complicated issue, at the recommendation of Doug Hays, of the electrical committee it was decided to table the issue until the April 2 meeting.

That meeting will be held April 2, although there was some discussion about moving the meeting as that is the Consolidated Election day.

Coston also explained to the council he will begin meeting with the electrical department heads and others to determine the future needs of the electrical department. He pointed out this would help with future budgets and continue to keep the city on top of what could be problems in the future, such as utility poles that need to be replaced.

In other matters, the council approved a Carmi Kiwanis request to hold Peanut day on April 27, which happens to be Summer League Opening Day. The Kiwanis will hold a bucket brigade at the corners of Stewart, Hillsdale and Beck Streets, close to Bradshaw Park.

Mayor Jeff Pollard’s report was a thank you to the electrical crews who have had a rough way to go recently.

Carmi Mayor Jeff Pollard.

In committee reports, Mike Knight explained the new children’s swings have been installed. He also reported the airport committee would be meeting on a quarterly basis, unless otherwise needed.

The council went into closed session to discuss property and personnel issues, but Mayor Pollard said there would be no action following the closed door session.

The next City Council meeting will be at 5:30 Tuesday, April 2.