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Dixon Shares Regretful Resignation After Two Decades

Mr. Newell and Carmi Unit #5 Board of Education,

Serving the students, staff, and families of Carmi-White County Unit #5 has been one of the greatest
joys of my career. I’m thankful for the opportunity to lead within the district in which I attended, raised
my family, and devoted my professional and personal life.

I have had the great fortune to work alongside and learn from some incredible educational leaders. I
have also been blessed to lead an incredible staff, including those whom I worked most closely at
Jefferson and Lincoln Schools. Carmi is a lucky district to employ professionals who truly care about
children. As we know, it is never about one person, but the entire team of individuals, families, and
community members who come together to make students successful.

Though it was never my intention to leave Carmi, I have been offered a professional opportunity that
will allow me to learn, grow, and share my skill set in leading a different district. Because I have
learned throughout my experiences at the state and national levels that kids everywhere are truly “our
kids,” l’m super excited for this opportunity and the next chapter of my professional career. I have
committed to leading Harrisburg Unit District #3 beginning January 1, 2023.

I want to thank the numerous students, staff, community members, friends, and colleagues who have
supported me throughout my career and especially the past few months. I’m proud of the work that
has been accomplished over the past 20 years and will cherish those experiences as I resign from
the district as principal and director of instruction effective December 31, 2022.

Dr. Amy L. Dixon


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