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Carmi White County Schools to Observe Red Ribbon Week

Carmi Schools to Observe Red Ribbon Week


Carmi White County Unit 5 Schools will be observing Red Ribbon Week 2018 throughout the coming week; Oct. 22 through Friday, Oct. 26.

There will be special events planned at each of the participating attendance centers, including Brownsville, Lincoln and Jefferson, Washington and the Junior/Senior High School.

Monday, Brownsville will tie red ribbons on trees. The students of Lincoln and Jefferson will be able to wear pajamas to school as they observe the theme; Don’t Let Drugs Get in Your Dreams. Washington Attendance center students will be observing “From Head to Toe, I’m Drug Free” and will be wearing their favorite hat and crazy socks. The high school will observe Be You; Dress for the future” with students dressing for the occupation they wish to have in the future.


Tuesday; Brownsville students will wear their best red. Lincoln and Jefferson students will be dressing up like what they want to be when they grow up as they observe, “we are the future.” The theme at Washington Tuesday will be Hair’s to a Drug Free Life, as they make their hair crazy to show they are drug free. The high school students will also be wearing red to support the week, Students that wear red will receive a donut from the White County law enforcement officers and state’s attorney Denton Aud.

Wednesday; will be wear blue at Brownsville. Lincoln and Jefferson, along with Washington will be United Against Bullying and Drugs, as they wear orange in support of Unity Day, uniting for kindness, acceptance and inclusion. The junior senior high will also observe Orange Unity day.

Thursday, it’ll be door decorating at Brownsville. It’s Sock it to Drugs at Lincoln and Jefferson, as student will be wearing their best crazy socks. It will be pajama day at Washington, as students observe the theme; Follow Your Dreams, Don’t use Drugs.

The high school will observe Be Unique, wearing tie-dye outfits and crazy socks.

Red Ribbon week will wrap up Friday. Brownsville will wrap up with voting on the door decorations and a movie in the gym. The students will also be allowed to wear their pajamas. Be a Team, Stand Up against Drugs will be observed at Lincoln and Jefferson as students wear their favorite team shirt or jersey. These paws don’t touch Drugs, will be the day’s theme at Washington as student show their bulldog spirt, wearing maroon and white.

The high school will observe Our School Chooses to Be Drug Free. Extreme Maroon and White day, wearing school colors and receiving prizes for showing the most school spirit.


Red Ribbon week is a national observance started many years ago as an effort to educate children about the dangers of drugs and drug abuse.